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[Webinar] Reducing the Confusion: Contract Management vs. Project Management for Condo Managers

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Are you struggling to understand the difference between contract administration, contract management, and project management? Confused about your role and responsibilities when hiring contractors to perform work on your condo site? This free one-hour webinar will make things much clearer for you. From explaining the differences between the three activities described earlier to clarifying your role when engaging trades directly, hiring an engineer to manage your trades, or working through a general contractor, this session is for you.

This session starts with a 30-minute presentation by project management guru Kevin Aguanno followed by a 30-minute panel discussion with industry experts including a project manager, a consulting engineer and a property manager.

This session has been accredited by the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) for 1.0 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit.

Click the button below to be taken to the event registration page. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the session.

Event Date: 
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 12:00 to 13:00
Event Type: 
Kevin Aguanno
Online from Procept